L – learn to live
I – intentionally
F – focused in faith
E – everyday closer to eternity
So often we focus on making a living but not a life. We forget to live our life to the fullest. Everyday is a new day and tomorrow is never guaranteed to anyone. Who knows what the future will bring? Nobody!
We live in the hope of a bright future and try to build our dream. Often, that dream becomes all-encompassing and all-consuming. It could rob us of the most important things of life. What do you think that could be?
During the cataclysmic fires in California, the lament of most people were the two most important commodities of life – ‘time’ and ‘relationships’. Where do you stand with these areas in your life?
Meditate on these selected verses:
Galatians 5:14 …love thy neighbour as yourself…
Jeremiah 33:3 …call on me and I will show you great and mighty things which you know not…
Psalm 37:5-7 “Commit your way to the Lord…
Ecclesiastes 3:11 “He has made everything beautiful in his time…eternity…
What then is life?
Life is precious!
Life is delicate!
Life is sacred!
Life is a gift!
Here is a sobering fact found in James 4:14 NIV “Why, you do not even know what will happen tomorrow. What is your life? You are a mist that appears for a little while and then vanishes.”
Proverbs 16:9 NIV say, “In their hearts humans plan their course, but the Lord establishes their steps.” He alone is the giver and taker of life.◊
Linda Pearl
I am a nature-loving, self-motivated person blessed with a passion for helping people. I love reading, writing and sharing real life experiences. I find great joy in fulfilling my potential.
Linda Pearl Ramnath
BSB 082731
Account Number 549135623
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