A heart that has suffered grievous harm is a hurting heart. Hurt in the heart goes far deeper than hurt in the body. The heart and the head are connected and the one feeds of the other. When we are grieved in our spirit, it affects our mind and causes us to brood. Someone who is brooding is not engaging in productive activities because their mind is uneasy.
When you are grieving for a loved one who just lost the battle to cancer, people understand the condition of your heart. Your logical reasoning is clouded by your grief and you are advised not to make big, long-term decisions.
People who are affected by adverse family and marital circumstances, suffer deep hurt. Very often, these situations have been brewing over time. Like a divorce, it is seldom an overnight occurrence and sadly, the whole family pays the price. As a result, we have more than one hurting heart.
An antidote is something that is given to counteract something negative, like a medicine given to counteract the effects of poison. So, what then is the antidote to a hurting heart? Romans 12:9-21(NET) rolls out an exercise on ‘love in action’. It culminates with verse 21: “Do not be overcome by evil, but overcome evil with good.” Some people may argue that this easier said than done.
When you put into practice the essential habit of walking in love, your conduct precedes your actions. Like a sports car that is only topped up with the best fuel, its engine roars into life as soon as the pedal is touched. This is an expected outcome. In order to conduct ourselves in love, there are certain prerequisites. As an antidote for a hurting heart, a heart of love needs to display love, commitment, hopefulness, big-heartedness and forgiveness.
A big pitfall to avoid is having a heart attitude that is proud and conceited. This can ensnare you and cause your ultimate downfall. Life is not a competition; everyone gets to run the race and reap his or her just reward. Even if you feel you have been grievously hurt, heed the instruction of Romans 12:19 (NIV) “Do not take revenge, my dear friends, but leave room for God’s wrath, for it is written: ‘It is mine to avenge; I will repay,’ says the Lord.” We know from Hebrews 10:31 that it is a fearful thing to fall into the hands of the living God. Hebrews 12:29 (NKJV) tells us, “For our God is a consuming fire.”
To set a good example, is to be a follower of the greatest teacher who walked the earth. Read Matthew 18:21-35 of the parable of the unmerciful servant. The greatest command the Lord Jesus gave was to love one another – read 1 John 3:11-24. When we put this command into action, we display the right heart attitude. Whatever we ask of God, we will receive. Only God can heal a hurting heart and make it a whole heart!◊
Linda Pearl
I am a nature-loving, self-motivated person blessed with a passion for helping people. I love reading, writing and sharing real life experiences. I find great joy in fulfilling my potential.
Linda Pearl Ramnath
BSB 082731
Account Number 549135623