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About the Author

One woman has found her true meaning in life and she is willing to share it with her readers!

Linda Pearl Ramnath
Inspirational Writer and Mental Health Advocate

My life in a nutshell:

I was always drawn to books and the workings of the human mind. I followed my dream and worked as an English and Psychology lecturer. Tragic circumstances within my family caused us to make the decision to immigrate to Australia.

I love seeing new places and my travels around the world expanded my horizons and enriched my understanding on cultural diversity. As most of my professional career was spent working amongst indigenous groups and marginalized people, I strongly believe in the power of networking and am actively involved in community outreach programs.

As a nature-lover, I enjoy gardening, cooking with fresh, organic products, creative arts and of course reading and writing. As a professional writer and editor, I try to balance my load by exploring the great outdoors. I fit in rainforest walks and water fun into my life at every opportunity.

I have a Master’s degree in Curriculum and Research, an Honours degree in Developmental Psychology, a Bachelor of Arts degree, majoring in English, Psychology and Biblical Studies and a post-graduate diploma in Pre-Primary Education. I did a further diploma in Professional Editing and Proofreading. I later completed a Certificate III in Disability.

I love writing poetry and helping people write their stories. I write plays and short dramas for production and have directed a few dramas. Most importantly, I feel privileged to share my God-given gifts to significantly touch the lives of others. I believe that we only get one chance to live our lives here on earth, so I endeavor to live life loud! ~ Linda Pearl

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