L – learn to live
I – intentionally
F – focused in faith
E – everyday closer to eternity
So often we focus on making a living but not a life. We forget to live our life to the fullest. Everyday is a new day and tomorrow is never guaranteed to…..
When you think of the letter ‘K’, what are some of the first words that come to mind? King, kindred, kind, keeper… the list goes on.
It is said that “we are in this world, but not of this world”. What could that mean? There is a stark difference between those…..
‘J’ is for JOY!
Joy is much more than happiness, which is often fleeting. Joy is being happy in the ups and downs of life. How can this be? When you know the Joy Giver, then you will know the experience of being joyful on the hilltop and in the valley.
The letter ‘I’ is not always about ‘I’, meaning yourself. The ‘I’ is commonly referring to as the ‘Id’ and the ‘ego’ but not much mention is made of the ‘superego’. Sadly, we live in a world where ‘self’ is glorified and selfishness prevails. That superego is our conscience,…..
‘Holy’ – What image does this word bring to your mind?
H – honourable
O – one true God
L – love without measure
Y – Yahweh, the most sacred God (Jehovah)
The word ‘holy’ carries a reverence of its own……
Grace – what does it mean?
Within the spiritual context, it is understood as ‘unmerited favour’.
G – God’s
R – Riches
A – At
C – Christ’s
E – Expense
Grace is the overflowing favour of God. Imagine pouring yourself a nice cold drink from a can into your glass… it fills up so quickly till it overflows. Similarly, we need God’s grace afresh each day to start…..
Faith is a powerful word. It is defined as the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen. Let’s see what is the Biblical acronym for it…
F – Forsaking
A – All
I – I
T – Trust
The letter ‘E’
E – embark on a determined plan
N – never doubt i.e. be resolute
T – take action
E – experience the fullness
R – rest in the assurance
When we determine in our heart to embark on a plan, we need to know deep within that it is the path that we want to take. We have to be sure of the fact and…..
The letter ‘D’
D – do
O – others first
Ponder on these things:
The command to ‘Do’ is used repeatedly in the Bible. Mary, the mother of Jesus asked the servants at the wedding feast at Cana to “Do what He says to you.” She knew something about the divine nature of Christ even before…..
The letter ‘C’
C – constant reminder
L – look up to the Lord (see what the heavens declare)
O – out of the ordinary, God speaks
U – under the sun, there is nothing God does not see or know about – He is omniscient
D – divine protection and providence…..
Linda Pearl Ramnath
BSB 082731
Account Number 549135623