When you have given life all you got and fought all the fights required of you, what becomes of the fighter?
We are all endowed with unique gifts and talents. These gifts enable us to live our lives to the best of our ability. Some people are meant to climb mountain, high and majestic……
Photo by Andrea Natali
Greed is like a drug; once it gets into you, you can’t stop yourself from that craving. Obese people have it, rich people have it, hoarders have it and even crafty business people have it. It is an insatiable beast that demands to be fed. Over time you become its slave and…..
Photo by Eirik Olsen
The amazing thing about weeds is their resilience. They grow where they are not wanted. They take up space and crowd the good crops. They suck up the nutrients that were meant for the good crop. They annoy everyone. Yet, rain or no rain, they seem to thrive.
When you look around you, all you see is doom and gloom. Yet, paradoxically, people are living like there is no tomorrow. They eat, drink and are living merry lives, notwithstanding the consequences of it.
Recent events brought my attention to the controversy of the so-called men of God who are working miracles…..
Ever had a friend who drove you crazy? They say the weirdest things and do things you will never dream of, yet you are still friends. Well, they say opposites attract. As a kid, my best friend was really good at athletics; she won medal after medal. I could not run fast enough…..
Photo by Clay Banks
What do you see? Chaos, disaster, shocking news headlines, natural disasters. Look around! This is not a time for speculating. This is not a time for hibernating. This is not a time to play the fool. It was said long ago that these days will come and indeed, they have come. As in the…..
Photo by Hugues de BUYER-MIMEURE
What happens when we die? Who is going to cry for us? Who is going to miss us? Who wants to know how much money you left behind and who is going to get that money?
When we live, who bothers about how we are doing? Who cares about…..
Photo by Yanguang Lan
Samuel Taylor Coleridge in The Rime of the Ancient Mariner said, “Water, water everywhere, nor any drop to drink.” What a fate!
We had recent rains after a long dry summer. There was so much water yet you could hardly believe that the parched earth would swallow…..
Salt is vital to life. It has many useful purposes but if used incorrectly, it can be detrimental. The Readers Digest lists more than 60 uses of salt. What would food taste like if there was no salt? We are so used to eating with salt that we often take it for granted. Salt…..
Photo by Duffy Brook
Just like salt, when you show a little kindness, it goes a long way. Sometimes we may not feel up to the mark and may even make excuses for putting in the effort for doing a good deed for others. When we step out of our comfort zone and show…..
Linda Pearl Ramnath
BSB 082731
Account Number 549135623