Hatred is a war that imprisons both sides of the camp. When one is consumed by hatred, that ill feeling builds up inside. It is like a cancer that starts to eat away into the soul. When someone first gets that cancer, they may not realise it because the signs may not be clearly evident. With time it starts to impair the person’s functioning until it leads them to the grave.
There was a lady who was consumed with anger…..
Your birthday is something you tend to always remember because it comes up year after year. Actually, it is the anniversary of your birth that you remember. Some people make a great fuss about birthdays and enjoy birthday presents, party and birthday cake. Other people are very low key about it. Some cultures do not even celebrate birthdays. So why the big deal about birthdays? The Bible says in Hebrews 9:27, ‘It is appointed once to a man to die,…..
Abandoned, rejected, looked down upon, labeled and despised. These are strong words describing strong, heartfelt issues. What do you say to someone who finds them self in that situation? HOPE! Is that remotely possible? A three month old baby girl is abandoned by her own mother? Why? Because her biological father is of a lower social status than her family. Is life so cheap? Twenty six years later this girl searches for her parents and flies 1000’s of miles to…..
Exactly! What is in a name? Why is a person’s name so important to them? I have noticed that people get really upset if you don’t spell their name correctly. Yet, if one mispronounces a name, it is not such a big deal. I attended a funeral for a well-known person in our community. The church service was packed to capacity and overflowing. Everybody was dressed in their best outfits, as befitting the occasion. While speechmaker after speechmaker credited the…..
Sometimes life seems like a constant battle, from morning till night and every day is just the same. You ask yourself, ‘What is the point of living when you have to be weighed down so much?’ You try and you try but there is no relief in sight. The Lord says in Matthew 11:28 (NET), “Come to Me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest.” This means we don’t have to go about our…..
Nothing we ever do is in vain if we are anchored on the Rock of God Himself. A friend of mine was devastated when she heard that the cancer she had been healed from two years ago came back. Being a working mum with young children, this was the last thing she wanted to hear. Both the children were midway through their end of year examinations. ‘Scattered’ was what she said, her family was scattered!
The question that comes up…..
We are just days away from G20 and as our city prepares for this great event, safety and security are top issues on the agenda. People are overwhelmed with the threat to global peace. Despite what is going on around us, the Word of God says in John 14:27 (NKJV), “Let not your heart be troubled, neither let it be afraid.” How can we do that?
God has given us a bank account for each day – 24 hours…..
Loneliness is such a hard thing to bear! Being rejected makes you feel like an outcast. It makes you think, ‘what is the purpose of living’. Life becomes meaningless if you have no one to share it with. Life becomes unsatisfying when you sense that you are not needed or wanted by the ones you really care about.
But do take a moment to reflect on life. Naked and alone you came into this world and naked and alone you…..
I watched the news and gasped like so many others at the sudden passing away of the ‘King of Comedy’ – Robin Williams. Only those who have walked in a person’s shoes knows what road they are traversing. Depression, which had also plagued this much loved actor, takes on many faces. Sometimes it is quite visible and people notice the psychotic or neurotic behaviour. But often times it is masked by an opposite manifestation of what seems to happy living.
One of the greatest battles we fight every day is in the area of our mind. For those of us who have suffered setbacks and failures, we know how hard it is to regain confidence. The sad truth is that too many times we allow our failures to define us. Our mind tells us to quit trying; it tells us that we are not good enough. We often buy into that lie and start to doubt ourselves and our abilities.
Linda Pearl Ramnath
BSB 082731
Account Number 549135623