‘B’ for Believer
Who is a believer?
Read: 1 Peter 8:12; Romans 10:9-19; Luke 8:1-15
Here is a Bible acronym Dad taught us when we were kids:
B –> Be
I –> Informed
B–> Before
L–> Leaving
E–> Earth
What makes a person a Believer?
B –> believe that Jesus Christ is God’s Son, be baptized in…..
‘A’ for Ascension
A –> Anointed One
S –> Son of Man, Son of God, a Self-Sacrificing life
C –> Christ came down to Earth
E –> Everlasting Prince of Peace
N –> Name above all names
S –> Saviour in human flesh
I –> In unison with the Father above, ineradicably intertwined
O –> One and Only Begotten…..
Prophetic Scriptures in the Old Testament tell us that the Messiah will come and they are confirmed in the New Testament, proving the Sovereignty and Power of Almighty God.
Old Testament
Moses told the people this powerful word on the subject of the Messiah, which was fulfilled in the New Testament: “The Lord your God will raise up for you a prophet like me from among you, from your fellow Israelites. You must listen to him.” Deuteronomy 18:15…..
Addressing dementia…being there even when nobody (up there ‘mentally’) is there.
This is a painful topic, but an increasingly present challenge to us nowadays.
‘A friend sticks closer than a brother’, they say. Why is that so? If we think deeper about it, there are some commonsense…..
My mother was born Hindu and converted to Christianity 10 years ago. She has always been quite fearful of illness in general, often worrying excessively, even for minor ailments. She also has diabetes, requiring her to undergo a blood test every three months.
A couple of months ago, my mother had her routine blood test…..
I have a lot to be thankful for in my life. I am so amazed at how I was plucked from the grips of death and given another day to celebrate the goodness of God in my life. This is the fourth incident where I came so close to losing my life. The first…..
Praise God from whom all blessings flow! The Lord’s grace is infinite – praise His Holy Name!
My recent health challenge was in 2022. With impending kidney failure, I was put on dialysis just two days before Christmas. This was a near death experience for me, save for God’s grace –…..
The wedding vows we take have undergone significant editions through the years. The traditional ones still hold true to the values enshrined in them. One part reads – ‘in sickness and in health, for richer and poorer, forsaking all, I pledge my love to you till death us do part.’
It might sound…..
My sister came to visit us after 13 years. It was a very exciting and joyful time for us all. She had immigrated with her family and we missed them very much. So, no expenses were spared for her visit during the Christmas season. We made a list of all the extended family members to…..
Linda Pearl Ramnath
BSB 082731
Account Number 549135623