This is my experience with my husband who was diagnosed with cancer…
The day Mike went into hospital to have his tests done, was normal like any other day. After his tests were completed, he told the children and myself that it was just an ulcer. He looked normal and cheerful, with no indication that something could be…..
Here is my testimony to the greatness and awesomeness of God our Heavenly Father…
I see myself generally as a fit and healthy person. I’m not young but I’m not old either. Once, when I had tummy issues, I thought it might be ulcers so I went to the doctor. He advised an endoscopy and then on…..
Our Father, who art in heaven, hallowed be thy name, thy kingdom come, thy will be done, on earth, as it is in heaven…’ I would kneel at the bedside as a four-year old with Mum, reciting the Lord ’s Prayer. The image of the immortal, invisible Creator, became indelible in my spirit.
Yea, though I walk through the Valley…Part 2
In my life, I have had many mountain experiences, and with that comes the valley experiences. Just as we enjoy and embrace the mountain experiences in our lives, we should embrace and endure the valley experience as well. All happenings in life…..
Do you see how proud a scholar is when they march onto the stage to collect their award? You can call it a feather in their cap. Rewards are positive things that have a positive impact on us. Words associated with rewards include awards, prize, merit, accolade, bonus, honour, gain, merit, wages, remuneration and crown.
Rewards do not float from the sky like a dandelion seed head or a crisp autumn leaf. There is a lot of work that goes…..
Did you ever stop to see the flowers dancing after the rain? They delightfully sway within the canopy of newness that the rain leaves behind.
True, rain can be both a welcome source as well as a dangerous force, especially if it is torrential and leaves a trail of…..
We have room for pleasure, room for eating and drinking, room for reading and watching, room for resting and sleeping etc.
Do you make room for the rich and famous, the young and beautiful celebrities and the media?
Time-travel… Was there room at the Inn?
The tax collector, the rich, young ruler, the Scribe, Sadducee, Pharisee and the High Priest were all welcome. Joseph…..
Givers are receivers. Does that sound like an oxymoron to you? Logic dictates that if you give something away, you no longer have it in your possession. Right? However, when you give, you get something invaluable in return. They say money cannot buy everything. There are some things much more precious…..
Linda Pearl Ramnath
BSB 082731
Account Number 549135623