Wars are turbulent periods of destruction, rampage and violation. They have been the bane of human existence since time immemorial, punctuated with periods of peace.
We read that there will be wars and rumours of wars in the last days. (Matthew 24:6).
As we watch the news and hear of what is happening in Israel, what triggers are we receiving?
There is a song called Days of Elijah, which you can listen to here……
Those autumn leaves, crispy and crunchy, Bedded on the cold ground, surrounding the town, In a splash of colour on that sunny day at Anzac Park.
Memories of cherished celebrations lie around those autumn trees, Trees carefully laid out for quieting the souls of young and old. Those autumn leaves mark…..
Unsplash Photo
Change!!! Some dread it! Some love it! Either way, change happens. We embrace change or we shy away from it. The clock keeps ticking and nobody can stop those invisible hands from moving.
It’s the angle we view change from which makes all the difference. A foetus has to reach developmental milestones until it…..
Autumn Leaves
Crisp, crunch, splendorous
Sailing softly earthward bound
Blanketing the ground.
~ Linda Pearl
Why not try your hand at writing this short type of poem? Simply follow these rules for writing a Haiku poem:
There are no more than 17 syllables. Haiku is composed of only 3 lines. Typically, every first line of Haiku has 5 syllables, the second…..
Why positive? When we grieve, we feel pain and sorrow. Our hearts ache and we sometimes cannot function as we normally do. We grieve for the person or thing that we have lost. But during that grieving process, our human nature propels us to seek comfort from other souls. We find comfort in sharing our story with others and that’s what makes us human!
Grief is essential as it is the brakes in our highway of life……
Your Destiny
There is an appointed time and place for everyone.
Each person has a calling,
Each person has a duty.
The secret is being in the will of God.
There is no utopia on this earth.
Even though you see some people living in a land of milk and honey,
that is their milk and honey;
it could very well be your vinegar and…..
There are times when you are tossed to and fro on life’s stormy seas. You use all your strength and all your wits to try to get out of the difficult situation you find yourself in. But the harder you try, the more you see yourself sinking. You scramble in desperation and the weight of the load is just back breaking. In frustration you start to grumble. Your body aches, your heart is bleeding within and your mind cannot…..
In social media, people want you to follow them. What is their reason? They wish to attract followers so that they can get more ‘hits’ and their popularity can increase. The more people click on your links, the more famous you become. Some people go to extreme measures to gain attention……
The contest still rages on … The cosmic battle continues on our terrain, gaining momentum and drawing more followers (or subjects) as the polarity between the two camps widens.
The rich get richer; the poor get poorer! Christmas is the season of goodwill. It’s the season of…..
Give … because we have been given the greatest gift of all.
It is more blessed to GIVE than to receive!
Reach out and help a friend! Why? Because a FRIEND in need is a friend indeed! Read more
Linda Pearl Ramnath
BSB 082731
Account Number 549135623