Think of a coconut – it’s just course texture on the outside. To get to the useful part; a coconut has to be cracked. You need a hard tool or firm stone to crack that strong, outer shell. Then only can you enjoy the beautiful substance inside.
Broken things are often discarded. However, sometimes a…..
Here is food for thought:
“No one can serve two masters. Either you will hate the one and love the other, or you will be devoted to the one and despise the other. You cannot serve both God and money.” – Matthew 6:24 There are two distinct camps here – you have to choose one or the…..
We cannot trust the hype that media creates, neither can we put our confidence in men in authority, who themselves are standing on shaking ground. But we can and must look up to the Creator of the heavens and earth who holds all things in His mighty hand.
There is a song that says, ‘Count your blessings,…..
Unsplash photo
One of the most problematic relationships of all mankind is the marriage relationship. It has caused untold grief to men, women and children alike. It has fragmented society and is the scourge of humanity. This was not the original plan of God. We were meant to live in love and unity and have a blessed union. By…..
Unity is synonymous with being in one mind; being in accord, in agreement and being together on something. When we are agreeable on something, conflict is not present. A happy, cordial relationship is fostered and maintained. This directly impacts the mind and the body, sending positive vibes which penetrate and recharge the atmosphere.
With the current situation that has caught the attention of the entire world, the pivotal question is; what is your intention?
The world has been brought to its knees. Never before in our known history has such a cataclysmic event crippled mankind like this. Bustling streets teaming with millions of people suddenly appear surreal, like ghost town scenes from…..
Lessons I have learned over 59 years of my life on how to be content and joyous in life:
1. Focus on the Blessings (80% = A grade) and not on the challenges (20% = G grade) in life.
2. As long as we live, we will face challenges.
3. Learn from your challenges and never underestimate the…..
So you have been dealt a major setback! You can’t seem to move on. All you do is lie there and burrow in the situation that seems so insurmountable. You wish you could just curl up and die. Well, DON’T! As long as you have breath, you have life!
Even if you cannot even crawl, the fact that you inch your…..
Unsplash Photo Death is defeated,Mourning to rejoicing.Once condemned, Now conqueror. Behold, He comes,Lowly baby no more.Majestic King of kings,Lord of lords.Your response? Condemned or accepted? Penalty or privilege? Eternal life or death? Adam had a choice,Pontius Pilot had a choice.Judas Iscariot had a choice,You have a choice! One moment in time,The price for all was paid.Death, where is your sting? Grave, where is your victory? What’s it going to be? Lucifer was chief…..
Photo by Unsplash
One of the hardest things in life is knowing when to walk away. Sometimes life can throw you a curve ball. Good things are good and finding truly good people to walk alongside you is great! But sometimes good people have to suffer the consequences of ill-fated situations. What do you do? They say the hardest thing to do is…..
Linda Pearl Ramnath
BSB 082731
Account Number 549135623