When you are stuck in one place, the life flow of living water is stopped. You become like stagnant water, which is stuck and going nowhere. A puddle of water can soon become dried up by the sun or it can become murky and attract organisms that contaminate it, making it of no use for anything.
People can become…..
Beware of the red-back spider! It sits there very quietly and carefully ponders its move. It’s intention is clear; there can be no error of judgement! It has to be precise in its deadly execution; absolutely no room for error!
Beware of the person who, in the guise of friendship, wants to suck the life blood out of…..
By day and by night, we have protection. The Lord led His people towards the promised land under Moses’ leadership. He had a supernatural layer of protection over them (Exodus 13:21).
In our lives, not all things go smoothly. There are seasons where we sail on a calm sea and everything goes according to plan. Then…..
Today I witnessed a creative miracle. I literally saw arms growing out of the body. It happened with the right arm and then the left arm. When the two hands were extended and aligned together, bravo, both hands were perfectly aligned.
This is the recorded creative miracle of a tennis elbow sufferer who had the…..
If you had to paint a picture of yourself, what would it look like? Would you be smiling or frowning? Would you be deep in thought or blissfully taking in the landscape?
The picture we ‘paint’ of ourselves to the outside world is the reflection of our heart at a…..
Photo from Unsplash
Very often people find themselves stuck in a rut and can’t break free. There could have been some tragic event that has dealt them a drastic blow. Try as hard as they will, this ‘thing’ grips them like a vice and they are immobilised, emotional speaking.
Recently, I watched a movie…..
“Write your hurts in the sand; carve your blessings in stone” continued…
Consistency of character shapes our personality. We are known as; kind or stingy, gentle or mean-spirited, tender-hearted or vicious, amicable or dreadful and the list goes on. When you repeatedly do what you do, that thing becomes a part of you. One look at…..
Photo by Sydney Sims
“Write your hurts in the sand; carve your blessings in stone”, a wise person said. So true!
Human nature is such a fickle thing -it is as unpredictable as the wind. People often speak before they think and sometimes they live to regret it all their lives.
Man is amazing…..
Have you ever seen fire embers on a dark night? They glow steadily and the closer you get, the brighter they shine. Wondered why that ember is so powerful? It is surrounded by warm coals; the heat from the others keeps it burning brightly. As you walk towards that golden flame, the warmth reaches…..
Linda Pearl Ramnath
BSB 082731
Account Number 549135623