The other day I received a phone call from a very shocked and distressed person. He had just been car-jacked. It happened in broad daylight in a busy street. He said it happened so fast that people around did not realize what was taking place until he was left stranded on the street.
I cannot explain the emotions that must have overtaken him because I was not in his situation. But I do know someone very close to me who…..
One of the most challenging things in life is when we face disappointment. Unfortunately life does not always turn out the way we want. When confronted with disappointment, how we face it determines how we will overcome it. Some people become ostriches and just bury their heads in the ground. Some people become martyrs and challenge it full on. Some people bottle it all up, only to find that it becomes like a cancer and eventually erupts in some form,…..
People who live with constant criticism develop a feeling of condemnation. This is like a heavy burden upon your shoulder and you go about your day and your life wearing that stamp upon your body. It’s like an ugly tattoo. People see it and go, ‘uh!’ when you grow up being condemned by those who are closest to you, those who are meant to love and support you, it is very hard to shrug it off.
A person who has…..
Why worry?… Worry uses up a lot of energy – negative energy that could be spent much more profitably. We know that worry is Faith in reverse gear! So why not look at things from the right perspective?
Since we know that 90% of the things we worry about does NOT happen, shouldn’t we be refocusing out thought pattern? You may say, ‘Well, it’s my nature to worry’. Then I say, ‘Put that old nature to death’. It is destructive…..
Welcome to a real life experience blog. Here I share experiences of ordinary people like you and I, doing extra-ordinary things. This is because we choose to look at life from a certain perspective.
I believe that we are all put on this earth for a season and we each have a unique plan and purpose. I have found that my purpose is in helping people as they face the challenges of life. Herein I find great joy…..
Linda Pearl Ramnath
BSB 082731
Account Number 549135623