They say, “The darkest hour precedes the dawn.” The night brings its terror. Things in the dark are sinister-looking. The unknown is a malady of its own. Even a lion swallows its roar in the face of fear.
So much is happening all around us, we can barely keep up. Is the media taking centre stage in…..
Isaiah 25:5 NIV – “and like the heat of the desert. You silence the uproar of foreigners; as heat is reduced by the shadow of a cloud, so the song of the ruthless is stilled.”
Linda Pearl
One thing that we have overwhelmingly come to terms with from Covid is the uncertainty of life. Coupled with the concept of selfishness, is the deep lesson of the resultant pain. One town gets a 24-hour timeframe for lockdown and another town hosts their planned birthday celebrations with much gusto. The sobering question hanging in the…..
When we look around us we are constantly accosted with apocalyptic scenes – the new normal looms larger than day itself. Crafty politicians play their blame game with no certainty deep within their hearts. Yet, the invisible enemy feeds on our fears and insecurities and steadily steals momentum, robbing us all of peace and stability. “Is this…..
So, you turned Eighty today – that’s eight decades of living! That’s 960 months, 29,219 days – wow! No doubt, the celebration of life lived so long is something to be savoured. It is a time for reflection and thanksgiving.
When we look back at our lives, it often resembles a roller coaster. There are ups and downs, high and lows, thrills and spills and everything in between. People, places, things and memories all the way.
Very often, the word…..
Death is the leveler!
It is our reality check,
It keeps us in balance,
And points a sober finger to that ambitious ego.
Death makes us sad,
It makes us cry,
It stops us in our track!
Death makes us reflect on our lives and take stock.
Like a Boeing,
Life keeps us going.
“I lost my spouse through Covid 19. How can I go on living?” That was the lament of someone so close to my heart. How do you comfort them? What do you say? You numbly go through the rituals of burying the dead and family and friends are there to share your grief. But as…..
Look at those footprints in the sand
Two old friends enjoy a leisurely stroll
Relaxing at the beach
Enjoying the winter sun
All is peaceful and calm
Rhythmically the tide ebbs.
Time passes as children bring grandchildren
The frenzied pace of everyday life lightens
Time for reflection and response
Time to lend a helping hand when…..
When life seems chaotic, when things don’t seem to make sense, what do you do?
Everything can change in the blink of an eye. We are here today, gone tomorrow!
Everyone has to go through birth, ageing, sickness and death. There are no exceptions. This is the destiny of our life!
Someone said – ‘Let the doctors handle your body, let God handle your life, but be in charge of your own mood.’
We know that our attitude determines our…..
When you are waiting for someone and you are not sure exactly when they will come, all your thoughts are focused on it. You go about your day, doing what you have to do but you are always on the lookout for that person”s arrival.
We are always waiting for something in our lives. Some people are waiting for the birth of their baby, some are waiting for results of a blood test or medical diagnosis. Some might be…..
Linda Pearl Ramnath
BSB 082731
Account Number 549135623