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Anger is a powerful and potent human emotion. It has potential to annihilate almost anything. Anger stems from discord and if not dealt with, it can sprout and develop into a bitter root that anchors itself deep within the human heart.
When anger takes root in someone’s life, it inadvertently divides the spirit and the soul. No…..
God’s promises are revealed and fulfilled in His timing, which is often on a calendar far different from our own.
Waiting patiently for God to work may be one of the most difficult experiences of our Christian walk.
We live in an age of the immediate. We think waiting, and doing so quietly, is somehow less worthy, perhaps even a…..
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Times are changing at an overwhelming rate. Are they for the better or for the worst? Paging through a Centenary Celebration book, revealed marvellous insights into the country I now call home. From working the earth amidst much toil and camaraderie, man has devised mechanical implements to make life easier and better.
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The expression, ‘He is just hot air’, denotes emptiness. It relates to something that carries no value. Sometimes you might get a parcel delivered to you in a big box. When you open it up, you realise it is just a small item, which is surrounded by air pillows. I received some vitamins which arrived at my…..
Song by ‘Springer’ ~ December 2019
On the first day of Christmas my true love sent to me a probable Bulldogs team for 2020,
And on the second day of Christmas I was sent the current disappointing Roar performances.
For the third day of Christmas the reminder to get ready for…..
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What is Christmas all about? It’s about joy! We rejoice because the Lord has come! The lyrics of the famous Christmas carol read: “Joy to the world, the Lord is come. Let earth receive her King! Let every heart prepare Him room. And heaven and nature sing…” We jump for joy because the King has come!
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Matters of the heart require deep thought to respond to instead of hasty reaction. After seeking prayerfully, situations that appear complex, we go to the source for answers. We know that the best counsel comes from God’s Holy Spirit, who leads and guides us towards the best outcome.
Two words come to mind; honour and respect. When…..
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The often used cliche – ‘Live life loud!’ is generally used to represent boisterous living. However, in a wider context, musical images of loudness relate to a trumpet or bugle call that get people’s attention. A clanging bell on the other hand, is a bothersome sound. Visual images also carry meaningful messages; a giant sunflower reaches…..
Photo by Unsplash
Ponder on these things…! The identity we have is … that thing which defines us. We shape our lives by the decisions we make but are influenced by things around us. We possess the ability to make choices that fashion and form the path we take on life’s journey.
In the Bible we read of numerous…..
When you are stuck in one place, the life flow of living water is stopped. You become like stagnant water, which is stuck and going nowhere. A puddle of water can soon become dried up by the sun or it can become murky and attract organisms that contaminate it, making it of no use for anything.
People can…..
Linda Pearl Ramnath
BSB 082731
Account Number 549135623