What do you see? Chaos, disaster, shocking news headlines, natural disasters. Look around! This is not a time for speculating. This is not a time for hibernating. This is not a time to play the fool. It was said long ago that these days will come and indeed, they have come. As in the days of Noah, so shall the end be. (Luke 17:26)
Perilous times will come when men will be lovers of themselves rather than lovers of God. (2 Timothy 3:1-13) Nation will rise up against nation. That which is right will be scorned, mocked and berated. Right will become wrong as wrong becomes right and nobody in authority is going to do anything about it. Natural affection will be replaced by unnatural desire. The lust of the flesh will become rampant as men, women and children gorge themselves crazy so instead of walking, they hobble. Men’s hearts will fail them. (Luke 21:26)
Intelligence will be a sought after commodity as the general populace grow weaker in their God-given ability to think. Simple arithmetic becomes too laborious and without the smart phone apps, it becomes almost an impossible task for many. Shame! How sad, how very sad indeed that just under 100 years ago, students could recite their timetables to 12 and sometimes 13. What has happened … What’s gone wrong? Why is it becoming so hard to think independently? Look around… Times are changing, but are they changing for the better?
It used to be meat and three vegetables for dinner. Now its fast food cooked in grease, pumped with growth hormones, washed down with fizzy drinks instead of plain water. Are we moving up the ladder or down the ladder? In stark contrast, most of the world suffers from famine and pestilence. (Luke 21:11) Record freezing temperatures are juxtaposed with heat waves. Imagine the effects on food supply. The times and seasons are changing faster than we can imagine.
Look around … Everything distasteful to the ear is praised and amplified by the media. Take the example of vile comedians who seem to have majored in a degree on vulgarity. Modern songs are so hard to sing, even in places of worship. Is it God they are worshiping or the worship of the irresistible ‘me’? Look around… there is so much to see, not much to take in. If you know what is good for you, you will look up instead. Look up for your redemption draws near. (Luke 21:28) ◊
Linda Pearl
I am a nature-loving, self-motivated person blessed with a passion for helping people. I love reading, writing and sharing real life experiences. I find great joy in fulfilling my potential.
Linda Pearl Ramnath
BSB 082731
Account Number 549135623
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