Praise God from whom all blessings flow! The Lord’s grace is infinite – praise His Holy Name!
My recent health challenge was in 2022. With impending kidney failure, I was put on dialysis just two days before Christmas. This was a near death experience for me, save for God’s grace – I walked through the valley and once again the Lord was with me.
In September last year, I came close to a massive cardiac failure, for which I would not be here to tell this story. I clearly understood the message in Romans 8:28a, “All things work together for good to those who love the Lord.” I was admitted to the Emergency Ward in October and after a few tests, the cardiologist informed me that I needed four or five bypass surgeries as all my valves were blocked. (I used to suffer with leg cramps and could not sleep at night due to poor circulation.) This surgery was a matter of urgency and I had a huge decision to make. I say huge because I was diabetic, hypertensive and had kidney failure. Whether I would survive the surgery rested ultimately in God’s hands.
I had my cardiac bypass surgery on 19 October 2022. My recovery was very slow and painful as I had every complication possible and I thought that my life would never be the same again – maybe it would be worse, rather than better. However, it was through the excellent medical care, attentive support and care from my family, the earnest prayers of my friends and family and the church and most importantly, God’s will for my life, that I made a great recovery. Romans 8:28b says, “…who have been called according to his purpose.” I believe there is a purpose for my life and I also want to share this story to encourage others.
My legs swelled with the surgery due to my kidney and diabetes conditions. My donor leg didn’t heal and a nurse had to come in three times a week to dress the wound over a six-week period. I did not dare verbalise my thoughts, which was ‘amputation’. However, through the infinite and magnificent grace of God, my wounds finally healed.
I was wheeled in and out from dialysis for a whole month. Then I was strong enough to walk by myself for my dialysis treatment. Now I can say that I am healed – hallelujah to my Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ. Needless to say, the doctor was very impressed at my eventual recovery.
Even though there were dark days that I faced, God never let go of my hand. He was there and I believe that He walked with me through the valley. So many times, I cried out to God and each time He heard me and ministered His abundant grace to me. For me personally, it is an absolute honour and a privilege to call God my Lord and Saviour.
Here is my much-lived scripture again: and I hope you draw strength from my testimony of the goodness and infinite grace of God.
Martha S.
Courtesy: Unsplash Image
I am a nature-loving, self-motivated person blessed with a passion for helping people. I love reading, writing and sharing real life experiences. I find great joy in fulfilling my potential.
Linda Pearl Ramnath
BSB 082731
Account Number 549135623