Ever watched a kettle boiling water? The water gradually heats up and starts to boil and boil, bubbling forth, releasing vapour. Then the kettle safety switch stops the process just before that water can spill over. We are like that water in our Creator’s hand; strife and turmoil makes us heat up on the inside and we start to boil to a dangerously high temperature. But something amazing happens when we turn to God in prayer; He turns on the…..
One day a desperate wife asked her doctor what she should do with her ill tempered husband. The wise doctor told her to take a big sip of water when her husband came home from work and keep it in her mouth for as long as she could. She was to report back to the doctor after two weeks. To the wife’s surprise this remedy worked wonders. She reported to the doctor how amazing it was; her husband was not…..
One of the greatest battles we fight every day is in the area of our mind. For those of us who have suffered setbacks and failures, we know how hard it is to regain confidence. The sad truth is that too many times we allow our failures to define us. Our mind tells us to quit trying; it tells us that we are not good enough. We often buy into that lie and start to doubt ourselves and our abilities.
Linda Pearl Ramnath
BSB 082731
Account Number 549135623