‘B’ for Believer
Who is a believer?
Read: 1 Peter 8:12; Romans 10:9-19; Luke 8:1-15
Here is a Bible acronym Dad taught us when we were kids:
B –> Be
I –> Informed
B–> Before
L–> Leaving
E–> Earth
What makes a person a Believer?
B –> believe that Jesus Christ is God’s Son, be baptized in…..
Do you see how proud a scholar is when they march onto the stage to collect their award? You can call it a feather in their cap. Rewards are positive things that have a positive impact on us. Words associated with rewards include awards, prize, merit, accolade, bonus, honour, gain, merit, wages, remuneration and crown.
Rewards do not float from the sky like a dandelion seed head or a crisp autumn leaf. There is a lot of work that goes…..
Givers are receivers. Does that sound like an oxymoron to you? Logic dictates that if you give something away, you no longer have it in your possession. Right? However, when you give, you get something invaluable in return. They say money cannot buy everything. There are some things much more precious than money……
Your hands – they belong to you and you alone! What do you use them for? Now, examine those hands closely… are they smooth and supple, rough and rugged, fancy or plain?
Some people dip their hands into what is not theirs, like pinching the money of others. They justify their behaviour by…..
In social media, people want you to follow them. What is their reason? They wish to attract followers so that they can get more ‘hits’ and their popularity can increase. The more people click on your links, the more famous you become. Some people go to extreme measures to gain attention……
Linda Pearl Ramnath
BSB 082731
Account Number 549135623