Lessons I have learned over 59 years of my life on how to be content and joyous in life:
1. Focus on the Blessings (80% = A grade) and not on the challenges (20% = G grade) in life.
2. As long as we live, we will face challenges.
3. Learn from your challenges and never underestimate the Power…..
So you have been dealt a major setback! You can’t seem to move on. All you do is lie there and burrow in the situation that seems so insurmountable. You wish you could just curl up and die. Well, DON’T! As long as you have breath, you have life!
Even if you cannot even crawl, the fact that you inch your way forward,…..
Song by ‘Springer’ ~ December 2019
On the first day of Christmas my true love sent to me a probable Bulldogs team for 2020,
And on the second day of Christmas I was sent the current disappointing Roar performances.
For the third day of Christmas the reminder to get ready for…..
Photo by Unsplash
Ponder on these things…! The identity we have is … that thing which defines us. We shape our lives by the decisions we make but are influenced by things around us. We possess the ability to make choices that fashion and form the path we take on life’s journey.
In the Bible we read of numerous…..
Have you ever seen fire embers on a dark night? They glow steadily and the closer you get, the brighter they shine. Wondered why that ember is so powerful? It is surrounded by warm coals; the heat from the others keeps it burning brightly. As you walk towards that golden flame, the warmth reaches…..
Ever had a friend who drove you crazy? They say the weirdest things and do things you will never dream of, yet you are still friends. Well, they say opposites attract. As a kid, my best friend was really good at athletics; she won medal after medal. I could not run fast enough…..
Love is probably the most overused and rashly abused word of all. When you say you love someone, do you really and fully understand what you are saying? If love is unpacked, we will be very surprised to discover the true essence of what we confess.
What is love? First, let’s see what love is not – it is not boastful, puffed up, it does not envy, does not parade itself, does not behave rudely, does not seek self gratification,…..
A rose by any other name is still a rose. The delicacy and fragrant perfume of a rose is counter-balanced by the thorns that structurally coexist with this plant. How magnificent is the design of such a created thing but more importantly, how awesome is the One who created it!
Beauty exists in the midst of harsh surroundings. Paradoxically it is the harshness and the roughness, together with the ever-impeding danger of the ‘thorns’ that highlights the fragrant beauty of…..
We often say when someone is shown the door that he is given the sack. He is told to leave, as a gesture of not returning to that job or place. It is not a nice thing to be shown the door. However, when we are pointed to the door in the Biblical sense, it means the opposite. That is because the ways of man and the ways of God are completely opposite.
John 10:9 says of Jesus, “I am…..
Your birthday is something you tend to always remember because it comes up year after year. Actually, it is the anniversary of your birth that you remember. Some people make a great fuss about birthdays and enjoy birthday presents, party and birthday cake. Other people are very low key about it. Some cultures do not even celebrate birthdays. So why the big deal about birthdays? The Bible says in Hebrews 9:27, ‘It is appointed once to a man to die,…..
Linda Pearl Ramnath
BSB 082731
Account Number 549135623