‘J’ is for JOY!
Joy is much more than happiness, which is often fleeting. Joy is being happy in the ups and downs of life. How can this be? When you know the Joy Giver, then you will know the experience of being joyful on the hilltop and in the valley.
Here is…..
The wedding vows we take have undergone significant editions through the years. The traditional ones still hold true to the values enshrined in them. One part reads – ‘in sickness and in health, for richer and poorer, forsaking all, I pledge my love to you till death us do part.’
It might sound like a…..
Unsplash photo
One of the most problematic relationships of all mankind is the marriage relationship. It has caused untold grief to men, women and children alike. It has fragmented society and is the scourge of humanity. This was not the original plan of God. We were meant to live in love and unity and have a blessed union. By…..
God’s promises are revealed and fulfilled in His timing, which is often on a calendar far different from our own.
Waiting patiently for God to work may be one of the most difficult experiences of our Christian walk.
We live in an age of the immediate. We think waiting, and doing so quietly, is somehow less worthy, perhaps…..
Love is probably the most overused and rashly abused word of all. When you say you love someone, do you really and fully understand what you are saying? If love is unpacked, we will be very surprised to discover the true essence of what we confess.
What is love? First, let’s see what love is not – it is not boastful, puffed up, it does not envy, does not parade itself, does not behave rudely, does not seek self gratification,…..
A heart that has suffered grievous harm is a hurting heart. Hurt in the heart goes far deeper than hurt in the body. The heart and the head are connected and the one feeds of the other. When we are grieved in our spirit, it affects our mind and causes us to brood. Someone who is brooding is not engaging in productive activities because their mind is uneasy.
When you are grieving for a loved one who just lost the…..
A heart motivated by love is a strong heart that will look at things and situations from a perspective that is higher than human intellect and reasoning. When we follow the way the Lord Jesus Christ lived, we see that He operated on divine principles rather than earthly principles. He came to do the will of the Father (John 4:34; 5:30; 6:38). These principles are solid and does not change as the situations change in life. They are based on…..
When people you love break your heart, what do you do? The first question in your mind is ‘why?’ and the initial reaction is pain. Very often there is this disbelief as you struggle to accept the fact that someone so close to you, someone you love, could do this to you. Your world comes crashing down right before your eyes and you have to pinch yourself to see that this is not a bad dream.
How do you respond…..
Funny how strange it is that people who are always giving of themselves do not get reciprocated! One would think it should be otherwise, but the irony is they don’t always get compensated for their efforts. Like a donkey, set to work the field for its master, it works day in and day out until it is too old and too weak to work anymore. Then that day comes when it just can’t work anymore and it is put away,…..
Today I married my best friend, Today I pledged to stick through thick and thin, Today I sealed a pact witnessed on earth and heaven within, Today I became one flesh with my beloved friend.
Love is not love which alters with the rising tide, Love is not love which falters with the seasons stride, Love is constant and enduring, Love is patient and endearing.
Two friends clasped in holy pride, Two friends committed to a heavenly ride, Two friends…..
Linda Pearl Ramnath
BSB 082731
Account Number 549135623