Why would any parent want to scare their own child and cause him to have nightmares? Why would you take an innocent 4 year old and deliberately dress him up as a monster? What role model is that to follow? Why should he wear Dracula teeth and drip with ‘blood and slime’? What is the definition of fun? Is it not something that is pleasant and enjoyable?
I am not alone when I say that the world has gone crazy……
Are you happy? What is happiness? Is it the absence of sadness?
Happiness is an arbitrary thing. It can be a fleeting moment in the midst of our momentous life. How can we know if we are truly happy? Can happiness be measured on a happiness barometer?
Some people are happy all the time; what is their secret? Do they look at a glass half full or half empty?
Is a young child happy? Have you noticed that most of…..
Linda Pearl Ramnath
BSB 082731
Account Number 549135623