Beware of the red-back spider! It sits there very quietly and carefully ponders its move. It’s intention is clear; there can be no error of judgement! It has to be precise in its deadly execution; absolutely no room for error!
Beware of the person who, in the guise of friendship, wants to suck the life blood out of you. They start off with lots of sweetness and concern for you. They offer you a listening ear and lots of comfort. You think how blessed you are to have them come into your life.
When you have warmed up sufficiently to them, they start to sink their tentacles into you. Deeper and deeper those tentacles go, without you even realising it. It is like deadly sugar coated pills. You think it’s candy yet you do not realise there is lethal stuff in it, designed to slowly suck the life blood out of you.
Slowly it dawns on you that their friendship is pretty full on and their interactions are becoming too much for you to cope with. You try to reason it out but because the toxin is already in your system, you cannot make out fact from fiction. The deadly red-back spider has just got itself another prey!
What you you do? Take it to the Lord in prayer. This is a battle that only He can fight and win. Remember, the weapons of our warfare are not carnal but mighty to the pulling down of strongholds – 2 Corinthians 10:4. Strongholds need someone mighty to pull them out and destroy their works.◊
Linda Pearl
I am a nature-loving, self-motivated person blessed with a passion for helping people. I love reading, writing and sharing real life experiences. I find great joy in fulfilling my potential.
Linda Pearl Ramnath
BSB 082731
Account Number 549135623