By day and by night, we have protection. The Lord led His people towards the promised land under Moses’ leadership. He had a supernatural layer of protection over them (Exodus 13:21).
In our lives, not all things go smoothly. There are seasons where we sail on a calm sea and everything goes according to plan. Then there are seasons when we get struck down by lightning bolts, one after the other. It shakes us and turns our world upside down. We scramble to our feet eventually and try to pick up the pieces after the storm in our life has abated. We look like drenched chickens after a heavy downpour. Yet, something deep within us says we must go on.
When a bad season comes along, it is a season and not a once only event. Soon after we think we have sufficiently recovered from one ordeal, another one comes along. Like a sail boat, the wind is taken out of our ship and we find ourselves at the mercy of the elements. We cling onto whatever shreds we can find, hoping we will survive. Something deep within us says, ‘l’ve got to hold on’.
The amazing thing about the human spirit is it’s resilience factor. Against all odds, we hold on to that tiny glimmer of hope. Why is that so? Whether we realise it or not, we are all created in the image of God (Genesis 1:27). This means we are wired with a God factor in our DNA. Our souls reach out to God. We acknowledge that there is something bigger than ourselves. We have hope that miraculously we will get through even the darkest days of our soul.
When I read how God supernaturally led the Israelites out of slavery in Egypt and met their every need out in the wilderness, I was awestruck. They not only had protection but they could go on with their journey by day and by night. In day seasons, when we can see clearly, God leads us under His umbrella of protection. In night seasons, when our world is too dark, we are able to still go on because the Lord has a pillar of fire, burning steadily above us. We look up to His supernatural provision and we are enabled to chart our course in those night seasons.
Why do we fear? Why are we anxious? Why do we think we are never going to make it through the night? As sure as there is day and night, there is hope for every one of us. Seasons come and go and bad things happen to even good people, but God is constant. He is our source of life, He is our source of strength, He is our source of hope and our protection. We just need to put our life into His divine hand and allow Him to lead us by day and by night. Matthew 28:20b (BSB) tells us,” And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age.”◊
Linda Pearl
I am a nature-loving, self-motivated person blessed with a passion for helping people. I love reading, writing and sharing real life experiences. I find great joy in fulfilling my potential.
Linda Pearl Ramnath
BSB 082731
Account Number 549135623